Are you a plant health expert? Make an impact by collaborating with the PlantHealth Joint Master Degree and get the unique opportunity to meet our students and share knowledge and good practices.

The Erasmus Mundus Master Degree in Plant Health in Sustainable Cropping Systems (PlantHealth) welcomes applications from leading academics and practitioners from any country in the world to contribute as visiting scholars/guest lecturers to teaching on the programme.

A number of scholarships will be offered to the selected academics, to cover travel and accommodation costs and pay a remuneration.

Each visiting scholar is expected to carry out short periods of teaching in the framework of the PlantHealth EMJMD. The possible host universities for the academic year 2019/2020 are:

  • Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
  • University of Göttingen, Germany
  • University of Padova, Italy
  • The French Partners: Institut Agro and AgroParis Tech

Teaching events can be tailored to the expertise of the visiting scholars, but you can visit Course content for information about the topics that will be covered.

Eligibility criteria

The visiting scholar positions are competition-based. A good command of English is required since it’s the language of instruction in the PlantHealth programme.

Visiting scholars/guest lecturers are expected to teach short courses or seminars in their field of competence.

Preference will be given to candidates that hold a PhD or have a substantial track-record in the industry and are able to demonstrate ability to teach at a high level.

The PlantHealth consortium equally welcomes professors from higher education institutions as well as practitioners from the private sector. Academic/professional profile is the main criteria that will be used to assess applications.

A scholar/guest lecturer paid by other EU funding scheme (including other Erasmus+ actions) cannot be considered eligible, nor can be reported as EMJMD scholar week.

The consortium is an equal opportunity employer. Minority individuals and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. The consortium offers support to persons who face difficult circumstances or barriers to their full participation in the programme.


Financial support

A scholarship is granted to scholars selected by the PlantHealth consortium. The remuneration scheme is set in the following table:

Contribution to Travel costs Contribution to Accommodation costs Honorarium: Daily allowance (per working day)
Real costs (max 600€ for participants from Programme Countries and max. 1.500 € for participants from Partner Countries) Real costs
(max. 120€/day)


Selected Scholars may also have access to the facilities of the host universities (e.g., library, computer lab, etc.).


How to apply

To apply, please complete and submit the online application form:

The call for applications for the second semester of academic year 2019/2020 (from February to June 2020) is open until 17th January 2020.


Selection of Scholars

Top-level academics will be selected by the Selection Committee based on excellence and on consortium needs according to the specific topic of expertise.

Applications will be evaluated by the programme’s Academic Board and applicants will be contacted for further information, if necessary. Thereafter the logistical and financial aspects of the stay will be negotiated with successful applicants.

Please note that the PlantHealth Board may suggest modification of course contents should your proposal be accepted.

EMJMD scholars holding an Erasmus Mundus scholarship agree to

  • Commit themselves to actively participate in the master’s course activities.
  • Perform teaching/research/student tutoring activities (approximately 8 teaching hours per week).
  • Bring specific added value to the programme and students (through student-centred teaching/lecturing, leading and participating in seminars or workshops, monitoring and tutoring student research/project activities, Master thesis support, participating in assessment, preparing new teaching modules, academic/professional networking, etc.).
  • Contribute, after their visiting scholar activities, to the promotion and dissemination of the Erasmus Mundus Programme in general, and the PlantHealth in particular, in their own University and country of origin.